Prostate cancer question? - edema after prostate cancer
My brother had surgery for removal of the prostate, yesterday, when the doctor came to us to speak and said he had the presence of lung fluid is not expected to see. Who knows what that means? I looked online but can not find anything that relates to
Edema fluid means, if the reporting doctor is not required. I would call the doctors office tomorrow and ask for clarification. He could not find something that seems to meet with their own ideas.
Edema fluid means, if the reporting doctor is not required. I would call the doctors office tomorrow and ask for clarification. He could not find something that seems to meet with their own ideas.
Your brother should ask the doctor about the effects of the fluid in the field of media.
Edema fluid means, if the reporting doctor is not required. I would call the doctors office tomorrow and ask for clarification. He could not find something that seems to meet with their own ideas.
Edema fluid means, if the reporting doctor is not required. I would call the doctors office tomorrow and ask for clarification. He could not find something that seems to meet with their own ideas.
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