Why do ome people answer questions with rants, inapplicable biblical quotes, and distortions of facts? - biblical quotes fabric
Is your brain against the understanding of history, linguistics and simple English?
Why do ome people answer questions with rants, inapplicable biblical quotes, and distortions of facts? - biblical quotes fabric
Is your brain against the understanding of history, linguistics and simple English?
Did not agree with their religion and their feelings are hurt? That's what usually happens, I read that too. Have a good day.
I do not know, because God does not exist, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and God said unto Moses, saying: "I am the Lord (Exodus 6:2)?
Or is it because Hitler was a Rastafarian, and Jim Jones is a god of the sun / fungi?
The question, which I cover as the beginning of my thoughts on this
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...
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